Learn to talk

Forget about whatever they said about silence being a symbol of wisdom, learn to chatter because the gift of the gab is a gift from god

Why don’t men talk? Like have a conversation about what they really feel?

Ever wonder why women wait to judge us by our pick up lines? Even the hottest guy on the planet can potentially ruin a date with a bad pick up line. Why do you think that is? Because, men aren’t accustomed to talking. I don’t mean chit chat about cricket or football or motorsport when we’re not cracking up at that dude’s super sexist jokes which aren’t really funny. I’m talking about talking from the heart.

The question was actually popped by artist and friend Lekha Washington during an afternoon tete-a-tete at her studio in Bandra. “Why don’t men talk? Like have a conversation about what they really feel?”

“Words tell her that you’re willing to think through your brain and heart and not from below the waistline”

Somewhere that set the cogs turning and over the course of the rest of the day I thought up a billion reasons why I had often chosen to stay shut. Thing is, deep down we fear being wrong. The wrong words leading to the wrong reactions and the inevitable undesirable consequences. We also fear being hurt, because somewhere in our twisted brains letting anybody else know what I really think also arms him or her with the weapons to hurt me. There is also the fear of rejection, something every man fears. Call it ego if you like but when human society has built itself on the infallibility of man over millennia, it isn’t easy to go against that grain. Among our compatriots, it’s the fear of being seen as weak because we’ve been taught from day one, hide your emotions. Show them and you’ll be weak. It’s all this rubbish about being macho really.

Bullshit, I say! Words were invented for a reason man. A man’s ability to lay his emotions bare is not an effeminate act of weakness. Au contraire, it truly is a man’s most courageous act. Where he puts himself out there so that others may know what he truly is instead of showing society what it wants to see. In any case, such ridiculous concepts of machismo only developed in the Edwardian and Victorian era where a man’s wisdom was measured by his silence and not by his words. The irony of it is, that the wise man will never choose to hide his words, or thoughts.

So, just shove these Edwardian or Victorian or whatever ideas down the drain and go further back in time to the days of the Bard. Back then the man that got the woman was the one that had the gift of the gab. Why? Because words have the power to communicate. Because words tell her that you’re willing to think through your brain and heart and not from below the waistline. Because words will have her focus on your lips, and that’s enticing. Because, words are magic.

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